Friday, December 12, 2008

Blogging When I SHOULD Be Studying For My Last Final :(

I really shouldn't be on here when I have my last final on tomorrow (Saturday) but I just CAN"t study anymore!! :( I think my brain is on overload lol. I'm soooo soooo sorry it's been over a month since my last post, however things have been insane here! To brief it up so I don't bore you with the horrifically long details: Thanksgiving break, money troubles (which I may be close to finally resolving now), troubles with a class, Finals, Term Papers, still dating that boy (though we have yet to have "the talk" about what "we" are so that's been bothering me for awhile), getting a job babysitting (which looks like I wont be able to continue next quarter), and finally, planning for winter break (which I will be officially starting Sunday!!).

I can't stay on long tonight so no new reviews at the moment, however I will be home next week and plan on catching up on my neglected reading asap! Ohhh I DID actually find some time to read a new book! It's called "Dying For You" by Beverly Barton!! I will likely be posting on this book early on next week so keep an eye out =)

Well, I guess that's all there is to say really...I suppose I should go finish my laundry and hit the books again *and by "Hit the Books" I mean that both metaphorically and figuratively! I am coming very closer to doing some damage to those poor textbooks if this madness doesn't end soon! (keep your fingers crossed for my sanity)* ;)


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bye Bye Midterms...Hello My Life (aka books heehee)!!

Finally!!! Midterms are behind me! I now actually have some me-time! Okay so here's an update on how my life is going:

*Things with the boy (the one I mentioned before who I wasn't sure if I wanted friendship or more with) are going great! He's such a genuinely sweet person and I feel very comfortable with him =). However I'm a bit nervous because I've never had a real boyfriend before and am therefore a bit unexperienced when it comes to dating, kissing and just about everything else that goes with the boy-territory. *haha, tips and advice are greatly welcome here* ;)

*My phone has joined my alarm clock, computer, and printer in the game of "torture-cherie-by-refusing-to-work"...apparently this is yet another game I can not win at! So I now have to wait for a replacement phone to be sent, though it likely wont be for another 2 or 3 days :(

*I didn't do too well on my midterms, so even though they're behind me, I'm worried about my classes...

*I want to lose some weight around my tummy-hips area but dont know any good excercises that will help me to slim down without gaining muscle weight...

*I finally have some time this weekend to read! So that's how I'm spending my day today...trying to catch people online who I cant currently talk to on the phone and catching up on my poorly-neglected reading!

Something I just realized: I don't think I ever wrote reviews on Sherrilyn Kenyon's dark-hunter series. I'm currently working on Seize The Night (which is I believe the 7th book in the series) so I'm thinking I will either start posting on the first 6 tonight and post on the 7th when I finish it sometime this week or I may wait post on another book I've read in the not-too-too-distant past and wait to post on kenyon's series until I finish the 7th book later on this check back for what I decide ;)

Okay, well I suppose that about sums up my life at the moment...I'll post a review or so later on tonight...for now, I'm hitting the paperback books and not coming up for air until I need food (which will likely be soon if the tummy-grumbling is any indication haha)

Talk to you all soon ;)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Midterms are Killing Me!! *or it could be this cough that wont let me sleep at night!!*

Midterms have literally taken over my life! Ridiculous I know, but it's true! I've been so busy there are actually some days when I dont get to read...AT ALL!! Not even a sentence!! :( I cannot wait until I can take a breather again! I actually shouldn't even be on here right now...I have a midterm tommorow that I'm not ready for but I just CAN'T bring myself to study more!!!

And to top it off, I was sick all of last week and even though I'm feeling much better, there's this cough that remains and deems it appropriate to resurface with a vengeance at night as I attempt to fall asleep. For the last week I've only gotten 2-4 hours of sleep each night! Any suggestions for what I could take to knock me out but only for like 5 hours??

Anyways, obviously since I don't have time to read I can't review, however I'm going halloween costume shopping tommorow after my test and then I should be able to catch up on some reading and post a review or two...

Speaking of All Hallows Eve - what are all of you doing to celebrate the night? Are you (or your children) dressing up?? I'm going to this halloween party in the afternoon at a retirement home where Eva (the 89 year old woman I volunteer to spend time with) lives and then later on I'm going back to the boy's house I mentioned and we're having a horror movie marathon - complete with popcorn! I'm thinking about dressing up as an evil Lil Red Riding Hood, though still have to find a dress!

Hope to hear from y'all...! And in the off-chance that I am not able to come back on before Friday...Happy Halloween!!!

Cherie =)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm Sick :(

I woke up this morning (the morning of my first midterm) sick! Luckily, I was able to fight it off for awhile, but it has now come back with a vengeance. Now not only is my throat sore, but my cough is worse and I am losing my voice - not that I can use it anyway with my throat hurting so badly, I wont even open my mouth unnecessarily for fear of it being painful! And to top it off, all I want to do is snuggle up with a book for about an hour then drift to sleep, but can I? Oh no...I have to do some last minute readings and write-ups for a class I dislike (which I didn't do over the weekend thanks to the midterm studying!) Well, now that I've had my little rant, I suppose it's back to the books :(

Ta Ta For Now...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

North and South-Love Story

I found this video on and loved it! WhoLetYouGo (the creater of the video) did an excellent job of matching the clips to the song...I love North 7 South and recommend both the novel and BBC movie to everyone!!

*Karen Chance ~ Midnight's Daughter*

Dorina Basarab is a dhampir—half-human, half-vampire. Subject to uncontrollable rages, most dhampirs live very short, very violent lives. So far, Dory has managed to maintain her sanity by unleashing her anger on those demons and vampires who deserve killing.

Now Dory’s vampire father has come back into her life. Her uncle Dracula (yes, the Dracula) infamous even among vampires for his cruelty and murderous ways, has escaped his prison. And her father wants Dory to work with the gorgeous master vampire Louis-Cesare to put him back there.

Vampires and dhampirs are mortal enemies, and Dory prefers to work alone. But Dracula is the only thing on earth that truly scares her, and when Dory has to go up against him, she’ll take all the help she can get…

~ Taken from Karen Chance's Site:
~*~MY Review~*~
All I can say is, "Thank God Chance is continuing this story as a series!! Because this storyline - though not as important to me as Cassandra Palmer's story - is far too wonderful to not continue!!" I will admit I was worried about introducing another strong, powerful female character into the same world as Cassie Palmer (the main character of our most beloved Cassandra Palmer, Clairoyant series) however I am thrilled to say my fears were unwarranted! The fact that Dorina's story takes place in the supernatural world we were introduced to in the Cassie Palmer series, only adds an element of familiarity to the series, allowing readers to feel instantly comfortable with the story's background.
I also love that Chance, being the absolutely fabulous author that she is, is able to create these two main characters in the same world with many of the same characters, yet keep from stepping on the toes of the other story. She has this uncanny ability to cover every detail her readers might question or wonder about, and to think far enough ahead to set up her storyline so that she can later uncover aspects of the story that the readers overlooked (as theyy were meant to) adding to the story and giving her readers the chance to learn about this crazy/miraculous world along with our heroins.
I am also excited beyond words to have Louis-Cesare starring as our lead guy in a series...I absolutely adore him in the Cassie Palmer series, but he's so not for Cass, so I love having this amazing character finally have his own romantic role.
And so to wrap up my review, I obviously adored this first installment into this new series. It not only introduces us to yet another amazing storyline in this supernatural world we have all come to love, but also allows us the opportunity to view the world and its characters in a new light providing readers with the chance to fall further in love with it all!
"He managed to pin my arms to my sides momentarily, pulling me hard against him in the process. I hadn't had a real sense of his power before, but now it crackled along my skin, warring with my own. I tried to knee him in a sensitive area, but he slipped a leg between mine, crushing me between his body and the bathroom door.
The fight paused. I couldn't break his hold, but he couldn't press his advantage without risking me slipping away. His breath was coming fast and I had a second to enjoy the thought that at least I'd winded him. The the feel of that solid chest moving up and down against mine brought on another emotion altogether. My entire body clenched, breath coming faster, nipples hardening. I shivered, caught between fury and arousal, and stared up into a face that reflected the surprise I felt.
Louis-Cesare's grip tightened, setting my pulse pounding in my ears. I wasn't accustomed to encountering someone stronger than me, to being unable to break away. The fight-or-flight instinct kicked in, and despite the unexpected attraction, it took all my willpower to force myself to melt against him.
It wasn't a big change, as we were already pretty much as close as we could get, but it felt very different, A second earlier, his body had resembled carved rock; now it was warm, muscled flesh that was very definitely male. His hold loosened, changing into something closer to an embrace. It felt achingly shockingly good. I shifted luxuriously against the muscular thigh that spread my legs, and slid my arms out of his grasp. I ran them up his chest...twining my arms around his neck.
Some of his hair had come loose and was falling about his face in a cloud of shimmering bronze, gold and copper. I wondered briefly if it was as soft as it looked, my fingers flexed with the sudden desire to bury themselves in that shining mass and tangle in a fist...I gently pulled the clip out instead, freeing his hair to tumble around his shoulders. 'Louis-Cesare,' I murmured, 'I have to tell you something.'
A shaft of light from an overhead fixture illuminated the sensual blue of his eyes. The brows over them rose and a wry smile tugged at his lips. Oh, yeah, he knew exactly how gorgeous he was. 'And what is that?'

I whispered my lips along his neck in a soft kiss, breathing in the warm, sweet scent of the man, the one my brain had stubbornly labeled butterscotch. His smile grew wider, softer, more genuine, forming dimples at the corners of his mouth. Curling a hand in the silken weight of his hair, I pressed still closer, until the curve of his ear was against my lips. 'You've underestimated me again.' ..."

Quick Note on my Hannah Howell Review!!

Oh, also I just realized I never posted my review I did on Hannah Howell...I must have saved it as a draft rather than posted it...anyways, if you scroll down you should be able to find it posted under Sept 28th)

P.S. I just found out I can "follow" blogs and I actually have a follower! Crazy cool! Thanks for liking my blog Britt :)

Boy-trouble, computer-trouble, and need I say more?

Alright, well to start with I need to apologize for once again going missing on you all. Not only have I been swamped with school work (I'm currently studying for a midterm on monday :( ...wish me luck *seriously, I NEED IT!!*) but my computer konked out on me last week!! I honestly never knew how ridiculously reliant I am on this thing until I was denied its comforting presence! lol but thankfully this tech guy here at ucsb was able to fix 'er up for me (and didn't even charge me!!) And on top of all of this, there is a guy who I've been talking to lately and he's really sweet and funny and cute, and I fear I may only have platonic feelings for him while he...well wants more. Needless to say I've never found myself in this position before and have no idea what to any and all advice would be much appreciated!

Alrighty, well Leigh Ann I know it's late in coming but I am going to write my review for Midnight's Daughter on here tonight (all I'm going to say in this message is...Chance has definitely not let us down haha). I also have a few other treats for y' stay tuned ;).

From a Seriously Tired College Student

Friday, October 3, 2008

Wow school work has been heavy...

I'm only 2 weeks in and already up to my ears in readings! lol luckily though I have time tonight to finish the review on Hannah Howell's novel that I started 2 days ago and I just read Midnight's Daughter by Karen Chance and will definitely be posting on it as well...I am going down to the dining commons now to grab some food with a friend before the crowd gets too bad but should be back in a couple of hours to post like a mad-woman on a book-addiction...*oh that is me hee hee*

I'll be baaaaccccckkkkk....*menacing music plays in the background* ;)

Tag Time!!! *haha*

I've been tagged worries though, I don't feel bad for it's you poor folk who have to read 7 crazy things about me that I feel sorry you may want to run for cover now ;). Leigh Ann B. got me with her site Stamping with Annie B (which you should definitely check out...she has some great things for her list of 7)

Here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Okay, about me *Evil Smile...heehee*

1) First and foremost I should warn you I am a book-addict...there I admitted it. I love the written's my greatest escape from reality and I honestly cannot remember the last time I went even a day without reading for pleasure (even if I have to miss sleep to get in an hour or two). I am always reading something (90% of the time romance...more specifically historical and/or paranormal romances) and have the very bad habit of reading many books at one time. I'm likely to start reading a new book while reading three of my faves on the side haha. I also tend to reread my favorites *VERY OFTEN*...what can I say? I'm in love. ;)

2) I sleep with a tiny beanie-baby stuffed animal named Lucky (from 101 dalmations) that I got when I was 6 years old for Christmas...I don't NEED him to sleep but sleep more comfortably when I have him by my side.

3) I adore's just so remarkable to be able to capture a moment in time and treasure it always.

4) Whenever I am in stores and walk by the baby section I become transfixed and start picking out things in my mind that I want for my future children. Lol my younger sister has learned to try to steer me away from these parts of the stores, although she rarely succeeds. (I find I have a particular weakness for anything with the old fashioned Whinnie the Pooh characters on it)

5) My favorite candy is Rolo's (technically there's no "s" on the end but I always pronounce it this way lol) and I hate that most stores don't sale them!! What's a choco-holic to do?

6) I am a hopeless romantic...I fear I may have ruined my chances with men because my expectations are so incredibly high...I want true love and will settle for nothing less (in my opinion, if I'm going to reach for a star I might as well reach for the one who shines the brightest in my eyes)

7) My favorite part of sleeping is the time before I drift off when my dreams can come to life.

Alright now...who shall be the next victims?? Hmmm? =)

1) *Tiffi's Blog* - My little sister, because I share everything with her ;)

2) Book Minx - Because I love her reviews and her site is so *wish mine looked that nice*

3) Jess's Ramblings - Jess because her book blog is awesome and I know she'll have some great things to list about herself :)

4) Gena Showalter - One of my all-time favorite authors...not sure if she's been tagged yet but she should be =)

5) Pearl - Pearl gives some of the best book reviews I've ever read! She's given me some amazing books! *Thanks Pearl!!*

6) Wit And Sin - Because this site is excellent for finding the order of books and finding some new series to look into (which is a hard thing to do at times) :)

7) Hmmm...well Leigh A. B. would be here but she was the one who tagged me so I suppose I can't tag her back haha...Thanks for that! ;)

~Tag You're It Everyone!!!~

Sunday, September 28, 2008

*Hannah Howell ~ Beauty And The Beast*

Beauty And The Beast

On the eve of her wedding to the heir of Saiturn Manor, the stunningly beautiful Gytha is shocked to learn that her betrothed, a man she barely knew, is dead. Now she must marry the new heir, Thayer Saturn, a battle-hardened knight known as the Red Devil...

With a face scarred in battle and a heart broken in love, Thayer has no interest in marriage. But not even the Red Devil can break the promise his foster-father made years ago and soon finds himself married to a woman whose exquisite beauty and sweet innocence intrigue him. But can his new bride look beyond his scars to find a hidden passion and undying love locked deep inside him?

~Taken from the Beauty And The Beast book cover~


~*~My Review~*~
This was one of the littler treasures I found in the Friends of the Library bookstore in my hometown before I left for SB...Beauty & The Beast was always my favorite fairytale (lol I loved the prince's flaws and I loved Bell's intelligence and passion for the written word) however even with my love for the disney story, I was worried this would be some cheap, erotic version of the old tale...luckily though that was not it at all!! Howell has taken the true meaning behind the story (that loves comes from the heart, and that only by loving and trusting with our hearts fully, can we ever know true love) and given it a new, and far more believeable, storyline.
The story of Gytha and Thayer is a complicated, intriguing, and thoroughly romantic story of two people who fall in love, and along the way learn to trust not only each other but themselves as well. What I loved most about this story (aside from the wonderful writing, captivating storyline, and realistic-quality of the entire story) was how the love between the two characters (though beautiful and very important to the storyline) was not what our hero/heroin were struggling towards throughout the book...whereas most books have the characters only discovering their love in the very end of the story, both Gytha and Thayer know they are in love very soon on, however it is trust that they must work towards finding. Both characters must struggle to surpass their own pride and fears to face their inner demons together, in order to truly accept their undeniable love.
This is the first novel I have ever had the pleasure of reading by Hannah Howell, however if this book is any indication for wha can be expected of the rest of her works, then I will be sure to keep an eye out for her other pieces. :)
"Staring up at him, Gytha decided it was an extremely awkward position. With all that whirled in her head, all that demanded saying, she felt she could get a severe crick in her neck before she was done. Glancing around, she espied a low bench. Grabbing his hand, she towed her startled bridegroom over to it. She then stood upon the bench and stared at him.
'Just what is it that you so abhor about our coming wedding?' she demanded.
'Gytha,' Margaret began in a soft protest.
' 'Tis a reasonable question, cousin. Well, sir? Do you perchance prefer darker ladies?'
'Nay.' He could not tell her of his fears, of how he dreaded a future filled with pain and the shame of being cuckolded.
'Then mayhap I am too short for your tastes?'
'Well, 'tis true that if you were much smaller, I might have trouble finding you.'
'Ah, I see. You wish me to be taller?' She frowned when he shoook his head. 'Thinner? Fatter?'
Despite his efforts to resist, his gaze moved over her figure. He could find no fault there. High, full breasts, a tiny waist and gently rounded hips stirred only intense interest. ...
'None of those. Child, I had a shock....'
...As she decided to drop the matter, voices from the other side of the hedge behind her drew all her attention.
'We should not,' gasped a husky female voice. 'My husband-'
'Is soaked senseless with wine.'
'Your wife?'
'Abed. She cares little how I entertain myself...'
Gytha gasped and looked at Margaret, who hastily covered her reddened face with her hands. ...
In the heat of righteous indignation, she decided that such things would not be allowed in her home. After glaring at the amused men, she leapt off the bench and started around the hedge. Hearing her three companions come after her, she hurried to elude them. The sight of the entwined couple on the ground enraged her. Even as the man saw her and hastened to stand up, she gave him a good kick in the backside. She glared at the couple as they scrambled to pull together their tangled clothing. Them she began to lecture them, punctuating certain statements with an occasional swat at one or the other miscreant. ...
'Oh Gytha,' Margaret murmured when the couple was gone, loving amusement in her voice, 'you should have let be.'
'But Margaret, my mother often strolls here with my father.'
Although his sides ached from all the smothered laughter he had already indulged in, Thayer started again. He joined Roger in whooping with unrestrained laughter. Gytha was staring at the ground as if the trysters had left some bold stain, forever tainting the area. She still looked beautifully indignant.
(lol, this is one of my fave scenes but it's so long I couldn't put it all just trust me, this book is worth buying!!)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

*Karen Chance ~ Cassandra Palmer, Clairvoyant Series (Books 1-3)*

Touch The Dark
Cassandra Palmer can see the future and communicate with spirits-talents that make her attractive to the dead and the undead. The ghosts of the dead aren't usually dangerous; they just like to talk...a lot. The undead are another matter.
Like any sensible girl, Cassie tries to avoid vampires. But when the bloodsucking Mafioso she escaped three years ago finds Cassie again with vengeance on his mind, she's forced to turn to the vampire Senate for protection. The undead senators won't help her for nothing, and Cassie finds herself working with one of their most powerful members, a dangerously seductive master vampire-and the price he demands may be more than Cassie is willing to pay...

Claimed By Shadow
A recent legacy made Cassandra Palmer heir to the title of Pythia, the world's chief clairvoyant. It's a position that usually comes with years of training, but Cassie's circumstances are a little...unusual. Now she's stuck with a whopping amount of power that every vamp, fey, and mage in town wants to either monopolize or eradicate-and that she herself doesn't dare use.

What's more, she's just discovered that a certain arrogant master vampire has a geis on her-a magical claim that warns off any would-be suitors, and might also explain the rather ... intense attraction between them. But Cassie's had it with being jerked around, and anyone who tries it from now on is going to find out that she makes a very bad enemy...

Embrace the Night
Recently named the world’s chief clairvoyant, Cassandra Palmer still has a thorn in her side. As long as Cassie and a certain master vampire—the sizzling-hot Mircea—are magically bound to each other, her life will never be her own …

The spell that binds them can only be broken with an incantation found in the Codex Merlini, an ancient grimoire. The Codex’s location has been lost in the present day, so Cassie will have to seek it out in the only place it can still be found—the past.

But Cassie soon realizes the Codex has been lost for a reason. The book is rumored to contain some seriously dangerous spells, and retrieving it may help Cassie to deal with Mircea, but it could also endanger the world…
~ Taken from Karen Chance's Website:
~*~My Review~*~
I remember the first time I came across Chance's Cassandra Palmer series; it was a couple of years ago when I was just getting into the romance genre and I was so blown away by every aspect of the first book Touch the Dark...I remembering thinking there was no way the following books could possibly compare - I couldn't have been more wrong. Every book in this series has been superb! The love I felt for the series from the first book only grew and strengthened as I continued the story with the other books.
Chance captivates her audience in every way possible. Her talented writing and innovative storyline, combined with her compelling characters, make her books instant successes. Now add to that her amazing ability to call upon ancient myths, legends, and fairytales to create a very believable and enthralling world of magic and intrigue, you have what I like to call a "shooting star" (a rare but magical thing we all love to experience).
One of the main things I always need in my books is strong relationships between the characters; it is thru the relationships that we as readers truly come to know the characters in the book, thus falling in love/hate with them. What I truly love about Chance's work is how she not only gives her readers a wide world full of interesting characters to relate with, but she gives them a complexity that is unfortunately often-times lacking in fictional stories. Each character is viewed differently by the other characters, they have secrets that, until revealed, leave us falsly believing we have them pegged and then changing our opinions of them entirely as a new piece of the puzzle is set in place. There are so many characters to adore, despise, pity, love, and hate in this series and believe me when I say, this is a series that will call forth strong emotions and not just inklings of feelings.
I would recommend this series to anyone and everyone. Please read these books...I can promise you that (if you are interested in either paranormal and/or romances) you will enjoy these novels very much. They are amazing and I can only pray the next installment comes quickly.
(Touch the Dark)
"I looked into that handsome face, and some part of me detached itself to watch another illusion shatter and die. I thought I'd finally done something good, that I'd actually helped someone, save somebody, instead of always watching every damn thing I did end in pain - either mine or someone else's. I should have known it was too good to be true, that he was too good. Way out of your leage, Cassie, my girl, I thought as my back hit the door. Maybe you should start smaller, adopt a kitten next time - only I knew there was very little chance that there would be a next time."
" 'Do you know how you taste, my Cassandra?' he asked me softly. 'I have never known anything like it. You go to my head like aged brandy.' He breathed deeply of the skin above my pulse. 'You cannot imagine how intoxicating I find your scent.' His thumb moved slightly on my waist, up and down the center of my rib cage. It wasn't an overly sexual touch, but I caught my breath. 'Or how very good you feel.' ..."
(Claimed by Shadow)
"I glanced at my nonexistant watch. 'Oops, look at the time. Guess I have to be going now. Let's not do this again sometime, okay?'..."
"Tomas kissed the side of my head, the only thing he could reach, and looked at me somberly. 'You should not have come back for me - it was a terrible risk. You must promise never to do it again.'
'I won't have to,' I said, brushing his hair out of his eyes. It was always so beautiful, long and black and as soft as a child's. I picked a few leaves out of it with a slightly trembling hand. I was so glad to see him alive that I felt giddy. 'We'll find some way to hide you from the Senate.'
Tomas was shaking his head before I even finished speaking. 'Beautiful Cassie,' he murmured. 'It has been a very long time since anyone was willing to risk themselves for me. Very few ever have. I will remember what you tried to do.' ..."
(Embrace the Night)
"Something lunged at me out of the night. 'Donj't shoot!' a man whispered.
He smelled of sweat, metal and dirt, plus a static crackle of nervous energy that was practically his signature. I turned on the flashlight and saw what I'd expected: a shock of pale hair, which as usual was making taunting gestures in the face of gravity, a square jaw, a slightly overlarge nose and furious green eyes. The Circle's most famous renegade and my reluctant partner, John Pritkin.
I breathed a sigh of relief and clicked my gun's safety on. To know Pritkin was to want to kill him, but so far I'd resisted temptation. 'You shouldn't sneak up on me like that!' I whispered.
'Why didn't you shoot me?' he demanded.
'You told me not to.'
'I-that's-' Pritkin seemed momentarily incoherent, so I shoved the gun's barrel lightly against his stomach. At least I'd thought it was his stomach. I'd only intended to show that I wasn't defenseless, but in a flash, I was slammed against the side of a crypt, my gun arm pinned ot the wall, my body stuck between the hard surface and a very angry war mage. I reluctantly admitted that there may have been a fantasy or two that began with this scenario, but I doubted the evening was going to end in the same way."
"His lips were on mine, his hands cradling my head so he could kiss all the breath out of my body, and he was pushing me down against the bed. And then his lips were everywhere-my collarbone, the side of my neck, the crease between my breasts, my jaw-and it hit me that he wasn't just choosing spots at random. These were places he'd thought about, and that was almost enough to send me over the edge."

I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry...

I am soooo sorry...I got so caught up in moving away from home that I didn't even realize I never posted reviews for Karen Chance's series!!!! *Bows head in shame* I was going on and on about how I was waiting to post a review on them until I'd read all three in order and then I actually forgot to post a review on these magnificent books!! How can I have forgotten?? It's one of my fave series (lol, I suppose I should stop now before I turn this into the review!) No worries though, I'm gonna work on Chance's review right now ;)

Hope you all like it!


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Beach!!!

Ok, ok, ok, so it's not technically my beach, but it is only a 2 minute walk down a path leading straight from my dorm to the sand, so I think I have some temporary claim to it ;).

I LOVE IT HERE! It's so peaceful, so tranquil...there's usually only one or two other students about when I'm here so I usually have it almost entirely to myself.

My Dorm Room!! *I got a single*

*This is the view from my window*

(And of course I would be remiss if I did not mention my books. I tried to narrow it down, I really, truly, honestly did, but can I be blamed if I have fallen in love with too many of them to only bring 20 or 30 books? Lol that's right...I wound up bringing somewher around 120 books with me - and I still miss those left behind at home)

Back From Being MIA For An Eternity...

Hi readers,
Sorry it's been so long since my last post. There was some serious financial aid issues I had to work out on top of packing for college so I didn't have much time to do much of anything but college stuff last month. However, I am now officially settled in here at beautiful UCSB (University of Santa Barbara, California) and am loving it. I moved in on Saturday and already feel at home (well as at home as I ever will when away from my family and friends). It is so amazingly beautiful here. The beach is honest to God only a 2 minute walk from my room!! And there's usually only 3 or 4 other students out there so it's nice and calm and peaceful. The only way I can describe it is 'magical'. I have some pictures of my dorm and the beach for you guys which I will post in a few short moments. I have a lot of books to review although not as many as I would have hoped due to being so busy with moving away from home and such. Oh, I also turned 18 exactly 10 days ago so *YAY*!! I wont start on my reviews until tonight because I am accustomed to writing them around midnight, but I promise they will get written. =)

It's good to be back blogging!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

*Lora Leigh ~ Tha Man Within (Feline Breeds Series Book 2)*

He had protected her as a child, filled all her teenaged fantasies and stole her womanly heart, only to break it.

Now, fifteen months later, the news has released. The man she loves is one of the genetically altered Feline Breeds who have shocked the world with their presence. He’s also her mate. The mark on her neck attests to that. The fire that rages in her heart and in her body further proves it. But he hadn’t wanted her then; does he really want her now?

Deceit and treachery, born in the past, now haunt the present as Taber and Roni fight to make sense of a sudden bonding. The mating of heart, body and soul as the man and the beast within merge; both battling the forces raging against the union and dominance over the woman he claimed.

~ Taken from Lora Leigh's Site:
*My Review*
Alright confession time: I was so intrigued by the storyline of this second book in the Breeds series that I did in fact read this one before Tempting the Beast (book 1). I know, I know, a horrible deed to read such a series out of order but I am being 100% honest when I say I didn't have a choice!! It drew me like few precious stories do...
The Man Within is one of the greatest stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading. And although I have only read the first two books in the series so far, I truly believe it will remain my favorite of Lora Leigh's books. The storyline is not only original but utterly wonderful! And don't even get me started on the relationship between Roni and Taber. It's amazing how you can see the many depths behind their bond. An unfailingly loyal friendship from their child years, a deep-rooted understanding of one another that is beyond comparison, a great dependence on and protectiveness for each other, blatant sensual desires, and a love that goes far deeper than their mate-bonding.
Roni and Taber's relationship is different and difficult and yet in the end, utterly right. I loved everything about their relationship. I especially adored the little insights into their background together.
And, as is the case with the first book in Leigh's Breeds series, The Man Within was written brilliantly, capturing the reader from the very first sentence and refusing to withdraw its hold until the end of the very last sentence. The chemistry between our hero and heroin will draw in even the most reluctant of readers and keep them craving for more. As I mentioned in my review of Tempting the Beast the other day, one of the greatest aspects of Leigh's books is the sense of family she gives the reader. She introduces her readers to the many background characters while not over-shadowing her lead characters, yet still managing to give them enough attention to have the readers dying for their individual stories more and more with each passing story.
This book has made it into my favorites list and (neeedless to say) Taber has absolutely made my 'Fictional Loves' list!! Now, although I did not take my adivce, I urge you to do so: read these books in order. I do not regret reading The Man Within first because it has wound up being my favorite, however I believe most people would understand and enjoy the series more so in the correct order.
Please do not pass these books by...they are worth checking out. I loved this book and I'm sure you will to.
"'Roni, dammit, what kind of trouble did you manage to get yourself into this time?'
Roni Andrews tried to suppress her grin as she heard Taber's voice echoing through the corridor of the cells housed in the county jail. She sat on the uncomfortable bunk, trying for nonchalance. No way in hell would she give him the chance to see just how much he could intimidate her. And boy could he intimidate.
Well over six feet tall, his body corded with powerful muscles, his expression often savage, remote, he could set her eart pounding in both fear and arousal. The fear she could handle. It was the arousal she often had problems with. ... There were nights she burned for him, and it terrified her. ...
Within seconds he was standing at the cell door, his hands braced on his lean hips, a frown etched on his proud, sun-darkened face. Damn, he made her want to start rubbig against him, like a cat. He was tall and muscular, his shoulders broad, his chest powerful and tapering to a flat, corded abdomen that tempted her to touch. Long powerful legs were encased in snug denim and there was no in hell she was going to let her gaze drift to...oh hell. That bulge between his thighs just looked too good to be true. Hastily she jerked her gaze back to his face.
His eyes were narrowed on her now, the jade-green color brilliant and snapping with fury. She swallowed tightly. He was non too pleased with her this morning.
'I didn't do a damned thing,' she snapped back, allowing all the awakening senses he managed to flip into overdrive to fuel her own anger. 'I was just standing there, Taber. Honest. That sherriff has lost his mind.'
She fought to hide her amusement. Of course, he knew she was lying. He always knew when she was lying.
'I should let you rot here.' She loved that growling thing he did when he was pissed. His voice would lower and just a cat. She had a fondness for cats. ..."

Sunday, August 17, 2008

*Lora Leigh ~ Tempting The Beast (Feline Breeds Series Book 1)*

Callan Lyons is a genetic experiment. One of six fighting for freedom and the survival of their Pride. Merinus Tyler is the reporter who will tempt him, draw him, until the fury of the “mating frenzy” locks them into a battle of sexual heat there is no escape from.
Deception, blood, and the evil Genetics Council are hot on their trail. Callan will use his strength to try and save them both…and do all in his power to keep his woman in the process.

~ Take from Lora Leigh's Site:


*My Review*

I have never been the type of person to enjoy erotic novels - I am too desperate of a romantic to enjoy a relationship that doesn't end in deep, true love. So Lora Leigh's Feline series definitely caught me off guard!! This novel, while definitely erotic, should absolutely be categorized in the romance section! It had all of the steam, excitement and sensuality of erotica combined with the charming, enthralling, head-over-heels, soul-mate love that every romantic desires. And now add to that combo, a wonderfully original storyline, witty dialogue, and truly amazing writing and you've got yourself a keeper baby!

The relationship between Callan and Merrinus will draw you in and sink its claws into you from the first page, refusing to extract them until the very satisfying ending. Merrinus is a strong-willed, passionate, intelligent woman who (thanks to having been raised by an overprotective all-male family) is more than able to hold her own against the wildness within her man. Callan is the possesive, dominant, delicious alpha-male from every woman's fantasy whose fierce loyalty and love for his family and mate will capture the heart of every reader (so beware! haha).

I truly love how Lora Leigh managed to introduce so many background characters in a way that causes the reader to practically beg to read their individual stories while not treading over the toes of Callan and Merrinus' story. I will also admit that I am a sucker for the protective older brother bit and boy does this story have it...I mean how could it not when our heroin has 7 older brothers and a dad - all who are powerful, sexy and deadly lol. I love the relationship between Kane (Merrinus' eldest brother and father-like figure) and Merrinus.

Tempting The Beast has become one of my favorites (I'm dying to continue the series!!). The relationship between Callan and Merrinua is simply beautiful and sensual and lovely in every possible way and I strongly urge every romantic to give it a try. Believe me, it's worth it.



"She jerked as she felt her cell phone vibrating at her hips. She grimaced impatiently. She knew who it was. It had to be her oldest, most aggravating brother.

'What Kane?' she hissed as she flipped the phone open and settled it against her ear. ...

'It could have been dad,' Kane reminded her, his voice flat and hard.

'It could have been the pope too, but we know the averages on that one,' she muttered.

'Bitch,' he growled almost affectionately.

'Why Kane, how sweet,' she simpered. 'I love you too, asshole.'

There was a bried chuckle over the line, making her smile in response. ..."


"Callan watched her go, hiding his smile as she glanced back at him. Damn, she looked fine, he thought. And she was definitely on the hunt. A flare of regret rose in him as he admitted he would have definitely enjoyed the chase if circumstances were different. If he wasn't who he was, if his own life wasn't hanging by luck alone, then he could have enjoyed a game or two. And he'd be damned if that woman didn't look good enough to play with. It made his mouth water, looking at all the smooth, sexy skin, just faintly tanned and as tempting as sin itself."


Finally I can get back onto my blog!! For some odd reason blogger was adament about keeping me from signing into my account for the last few days. I'm not sure what's changed but something I did must have worked because I was just able to sign in!! *YAY*

Ok...well now to celebrate my return I think some book reviews should be posted...what do ya think?

Yeah I thought you'd agree ;)

Hmmm...which books to review...hmmm...choices, choices...

Stay Tuned *haha*,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sorry Bout the Delay...

Sorry about the lack of posts in the last week or so...I've been busy between spending some quality time with friends before we all go our own ways and dealing with college drama. It turns out some of my financial aid forms (you know, those important ones that allow me to actually AFFORD to go to university) were "misplaced" in the system of postal service or something and so now I must resend them months after they were due. I'm praying I will still be able to recieve my full fin aid...*fingers and toes (and every other body part that will twist) crossed*.

My volunteering at the Friends of the Library has become a weekly thing, I'm glad to report, and I have found some interesting new books to read. I'll come on tonight once the house is nice and quiet and post a couple of reviews.

Until then... ;)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

*Karen Hawkins ~ MacLean Curse Series*

How to Abduct a Highland Lord:


Shy, quiet Regency miss, Fiona MacLean, must save her brothers from becoming embroiled in a centuries old feud that could mean the death of them all. All she has to do is commit one, teeny, tiny, barely noticeable . . . crime.


Sinfully handsome Black Jack Kincaid has spent his entire life philandering with other men's willing wives, trying to forget beautiful, wilful Fiona MacLean, so he's shocked when he awakens one day and discovers himself married to that very lass! Will he help her save her brothers and end a centuries old family feud? Can he accept being married to the woman who broke his heart so many years ago? And now that he has her, can he afford to let her go?

To Scotland, With Love:

When Lord Gregor MacLean learns a fortune hunter has abducted his childhood friend, Venetia Oglivie, he rides off to Scotland in hot pursuit. If he doesn’t rescue the provocative wench swiftly, she’ll be ruined by scandal! But when an irate Gregor catches up w
ith the supposed-damsel-in-distress, arrogantly expecting a hero’s welcome, the sparks between him and strong-willed Venetia fly. While they’re trapped by an unexpected snowstorm, those sparks grow so hot they threaten to burn down the inn! Now if Gregor can only convince Venetia that his motive for marriage isn’t duty . . . but desire!

To Catch A Highlander:

When her father gambles away the family estate to darkly dangerous Lord Dougal MacLean, Sophia MacFarlane is determined to use her wiles to regain it. Forced to stake the one thing she has left -- her virtue -- she desperately hopes her skill can limit her losses to a few matter how hotly tempting Dougal turns out to be.

Dougal MacLean knows that Sophia has some trick up her sleeve, but he can't resist the challenge -- or her ravishing beauty. So when she proposes a card game with most unusual stakes, Dougal is delighted to accept. But as the game ends, Dougal and Sophia discover they've wagered something even more precious -- their hearts.

~ Take from Karen Hawkins' site: ~
~*~My Review ~*~
It is a rare magical moment when you uncover a series that thoroughly enthralls you within its depths, however that is precisely what Karen Hawkins' MacLean Curse series is (for me). I once again managed to read the series out of order, reading the third book in the series (To Catch A Highlander) first rather than last as I should have. However after reading this novel, I rushed out to obtain its 2 predecessors and I am thrilled to say I was most definitely not dissappointed.
The first novel in the series (How to Abduct A Highland Lord) introduces us to the devastatingly handsome and hardheaded MacLean clan and the curse that surrounds them. I truly loved that Hawkins chose to introduce her readers to the MacLeans via Fiona MacLean - the female member. A good deal of the time the female members (in a series based on one paticular family) are often overshadowed by the male members, however that is not the case when it comes to the MacLeans. Hawkins was able to introduce us to the entire MacLean clan (thus setting us up for the future books) while focusing our attention on our fiesty heroin and our roguish hero.
I have to admit I could not hold in my laughter at certain parts in this book. After all, it's not ever day a woman abducts a man and literally drags him to the alter!! =)
One thing I always look for in my romance novels is the witty banter; if the dialogue between the couple is just as exciting (if not more so) than the sexual encounters then you know you've struck gold!! This is apparently something Hawkins has already discovered, because the exchanges between the characters (especially between our heros and heroins) are present and shining in all three books making this an irresistable read for any and all Hist-Ro fans!
And when the author can make each and every story so very different yet equally thrilling, it is another sign of a truly remarkable series. The first book has Fiona MacLean and Jack Kincaid thrown into a marriage with passion yet devoid of love, and has the readers watching as their feelings begin to develop, despite their stubborn attempts to control the situation. To Scotland, With Love (a great title by the way) has an entirely different storyline. This book revolves around Gregor MacLean and Venetia Oglivie - childhood friends who must cope with the sudden change in their feelings towards one another either by accepting what fate is obviously trying to tell them and risk losing the greatest of friendships, or by ignoring their hearts desires and protecting their fragile (if unfufilled) relationship. And finally, our third book To Catch A Highlander tells the story of Dougal MacLean and Sophia MacFarlane - two people thrown into a battle of wits, both attempting to outmaneuver the other...however will the victor truly have won in the end, or will they have both lost in their denial to give in to their hearts demands?
All three books are very unique in storylines, leading characters and even in dialogue. And yet, even with all of the differences, I find myself unable to choose a favorite amongst them. They were all splendid in their own way and all I can do is recommend them to any and all lovers of historical romance.
(How to Abduct a Highland Lord)
"He wanted her so badly, ached with a lust that burned so hotly and so deeply, he feared it might destroy them both.
She was fumbling with her gown. 'Let me,' he said, his voice thick even to his own ears. She nodded, her cheeks flushed, her lips swollen from their kiss. He quickly undid the remaining ties. He wanted to see her naked, her hair spread about her, her arms and legs open for him - him and no one else.
The thought gave him pause. He was not given to possessiveness; his liasons were entertainments to be taken as they came, enjoyed, and then left. The freedom of the encounters gave spice to it all.
But with Fiona, it was different. Perhaps it was because she was the only woman he'd ever lost before he'd tired of her. Perhaps it was because she was the only woman who'd ever sent him away. Or perhaps it was something as simple as ownership. She was his wife. The word sent a possessive thrill through him. His chest expanded at the thought, his body quickening.
The last tie of her gown came free."
(To Scotland, With Love)
"Ravenscroft captured one of those hands now. He lifted it to his cheek, his gaze fixed on Venetia's face. 'Venetia, you are the most beautiful woman in the world, inside and out. I hope you know I would never do anything to disrespect you.'
Until now, Gregor had been enjoying every utterance that slipped from the pup's lips. But the unconcealed admiration that shone in Ravenscroft's eyes as he held Venetia's hand to his cheek sent an unfamiliar - and devilishly sharp - pang through Gregor.
It was the oddest feeling, and it wiped away his amusement in a flash. Venetia should have been offended by such familiarity. She should have been outraged by the suggestions this fool had made.
Instead, she sighed, her lips curling into a reluctant smile as she turned her hand and patted the insolent pup's cheek. 'Oh, Ravenscroft, you are so young. I keep forgetting that, don't I?'
It was hardly a compliment, but it only encouraged the fool. Ravenscroft had the temerity - the audacity, by God - to cup her fingers to his lips and press a kiss to her bare palm.
Something inside Gregor snapped. 'Venetia.'"
(To Catch A Higlander)
Damn, she was a heady wench. Under other circumstances, there was no telling where their flirtation might have led, for he couldn't imagine tiring of her.

Unfortunately, fate had dealt them a short hand, and they were doomed to a brief, though brilliant relationship. He would have to be satisfied with that.
Dougal took another drink of sherry, the liquid burning his throat. It was traditionally a sweetish drink, fit for gently bred women, but this brew was amazingly potent. He placed his glass back on the table and said softly, 'How do you wish to do this, my love? You lost, so therefore you must part with your gown.'
She stood, her silk gown whispering as she rose. 'I never liked this particular gown, anyway.' Her voice, husky and low, sent a shiver over his skin.

He stared, unable to look away as her gown caressed the curve of her breasts, full and round. He imagined how they'd fill his hands. He could easily span her petite waist, and the curve of her hips seemed made for his hands. She slowly pushed her hair aside, the golden strands clinging to her neck and shoulders. He didn't blame them; he'd be loathe to part from such glorious skin himself.

As she met his gaze, he was caught by the seductive light in her eyes. By Zeus, she was enjoying this. Savoring it, even. The idea made his breath tighten in his chest and he realized that he was gripping his glass so tightly that it was in danger of cracking.
Bloody hell, but she was a temptress. It was a pity she was trying to cheat him, too. For that, she would pay and pay dearly. Slowly, he placed his glass on the table. 'Let me know if you need any assistance. I'm quite practiced in undressing a woman.'
'I can undress myself.' She reached for the ties at her shoulder and gave one a gentle tug. 'Be certain you remain in your chair, please. You won the right to watch me disrobe, MacLean, and nothing more.'
This time, he thought to himself. Next time, the stakes will be much higher. I'll make certain of that if it's the last thing I do."

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hello There :)

Hi ya =)

Unfortunately I haven't had much time to read as of late (a horrendous crime indeed) however, luckily I was able to snag a few hours today and am planning on stay up late tonight to catch up haha. I am still working my way thru Chance's C. Palmer Clairvoyant series while also juggling a few historical romances (I can never seem to go too long without reading a historical lol). I also finally broke down and ordered Lora Leigh's Tempting the Beast and The Man Within (the first 2 books in her Feline Breeds series) because I have been unable to get my hands on them threw the stores nearby and am desperate to own them! I "accidently" *cough cough* read the second book (Taber and Roni's story) first and am now dying to read the first one and am greedily anticipating owning The Man Within. With any luck they should be arriving here tommorow *fingers crossed*.

I finally got my mini fridge for my dorm (managed to snag one on craigslist for only $50...perfect size, great condition and even in the color I had hoped for). Now I have only some minor odds and ends to deal with before moving on to become a full-time college student. Still can't believe how soon I'll be having to leave :( not to think about it for too long lol.

I should be finishing Devils Bride by Stephanie Laurens tonight (this is the first novel I've ever read by her - an impulsive buy - but so far I've loved it! I'll post a review tonight after I finish it) ;)

As my friend Mary would say "Ta!!"
Cherie =)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bad Habits Tend To Come Back To Bite You In The 'Arse'

I know I shouldn't do it. Even as I say this I am doing it. I am jumping in between books. Although in my defense some of these are books I have read many times over, but still...It's just one day I'll be craving paranormal romance and the next I'll be in desperate need for a little historical love match. Can you really blame a girl for wanting to experience all of her favorite fictional loves all at once?...don't answer that.

At the moment I am still working on Karen Chance's Cassandra Palmer Series (I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!! But am having trouble focusing on them at the moment because I have already read the first two many times over and, while I am head over heels for them, I still find myself distracted by all of the books I have yet to read.) On top of Chance I am also working on Karen Hawkins' MacLeans' novels (I feel so horrible because I had actually read them out of order-unknowingly of course-and so now I am reading them in the correct order.) From what I have already read these books are supremely fabulous and this series is already in my top 5 historical romance series fact I daresay it might possibly fall in my top 3 list (high praise indeed). ;)

Ok so here's a quick update on the going-ons in my life:
* My uncle from Germany is paying us a visit so we're all making sure to spend some quality time with him.
*I am still preparing for UCSB - it seems as though there's always something else to be done in regards to preparing for being there. I tremble in imagining what the actual being there will be like.
*I found out my speeding ticket will cost just under $100 so not great but definitely not as horrific as I imagined it would be - plus the amount I will have to spend on traffic school to get it off my driving record.
*I am currently volunteering at the used bookstore I told you about so long ago (not the quaint shop with the cats but the Friends of the Library store whose profits go to the public library and whose prices will tempt you to take up permanent residence within its walls). It looks as though I will be volunteering there every Tuesday! :) I really enjoyed my first day of volunteering yesterday; the volunteers are all in their 60's and 70's so the company is darling and the shop itself has this comfortable feeling to it. Plus (the true bonus): I get a sneak peek at all of the books before they get on the shelves on Friday hee hee. I've already found three books that I intend to buy by the end of the week.
*I also went to see The Dark Knight with my uncle today. It had to have been one of the best movies I've seen all year and I definitely suggest it to anyone and everyone - especially if you are a Batman fan like I am. I Love The Bat! Haha.

Well I guess that's all for now...I'm going to shut down my computer now and loose myself in the pages of one of my books...I'll post a review for Hawkin's MacLeans series as soon as I finish them (in order) which should be very soon indeed. Hope you have a wonderful day/evening.

Sweet Dreams,

Thursday, July 24, 2008

San Diego Zoo!!!!

As Promised, here are some pics from San Diego Zoo...enjoy. =)

Found Some Time :)

Hey there.

I found some more time to come online so thought I'd post an update. Since you last heard from me I completed orientation, scheduled my Fall classes *getting none of the ones I wanted, so my first quarter of college is already starting out great huh?*, went to the San Diego Zoo (for the very first time) with my sister and uncle-for anyone who has yet to go it is really great. They have an amazing variety of animals including a panda and her adorable pup, elephants, polar bears, wild cats, giraffes, bears, birds, pigs, and some fiesty apes. We had a blast and got some amazing photos...I'll post up some of the best ones on here soon. And today the three of us went to Sea World (again for the first time) and had a great time. We went mainly for the shows and boy were they wonderful!! We got wet at the Shamu show, yet surprisingly it was the Dolphin show that completely drenched us *go figure* haha, and the Clyde and Seamore (Sealion) show is absolutely one of the cutest shows you are ever likely to see. Again, I will post photos (or possibly even video if I can figure out how to swing it) of our day soon.

Basically I've had four days of all-day long walking about *which has greatly diminished my guilt over any and all fatty foods I've eaten during this vaca*. I will *thankfully* be returning home tommorow, where I will likely shower and then dive beneath my comforter and escape into my loving world of literature. I've enjoyed the trip but I can not wait to be home again lol.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Still At Orientation...

Hi guys,

Well I am still at UCSB Orientation - it's a 2 day thing where if you pay extra you get to sleep in the dorms and get a real taste of what life is going to be like shortly. So far this has been the ONLY break I've gotten (I do not consider sleeping a break seeing as how they even scheduled that!) I've been running all around campus, being shuffled from place to place. Have you ever seen UC Santa Barbara's campus?? Lets just say I'll probably be down to a size 2 within my first week of classes!! My legs are STILL sore from all of the walking around and climbing up and down the stairs (my temp. dorm is on the 3rd floor) all day yesterday! And guess what? I get to do it all again!! Yippie!! *haha I'm not sarcastic, no, not at*. Anyways, thus far at Orientation I have gone on tours, gotten my student photo ID Card, gone to lectures, gone to meetings, climbed the stairs to and from my dorm about twenty million times, showered in a dorm bathroom *one of my biggest fears regarding college...sharing bathrooms with strangers*, sampled the lunch and breakfast options in the Dining Commons, and have worked on putting together a course schedule that will work for me...although this is unfortunately not going as smoothly as I would have liked.

I must say one of the best things about having come to this orientation though, was waking up this morning and having the first thing I see out my window be the ocean. It's so peaceful here in the mornings. I'm looking out my window now and am simply basking in the serenity of it all. From my temporary dorm room you have a perfect view of the water and can just ever so slightly hear the crashing of the waves. I know for a fact that living so close to the ocean will be a strange experience for me, however I have a strong feeling it will be one of my favorite aspects of being at UCSB.

Alright well, unfortunately now I have to go to another lecture/meeting (which means getting up and walking down the many flights of stairs to the bottom and then continuing to walk from my doorm hall to the meeting place, where we will then walk with our advisory groups to the meeting...sounds like fun huh? Well I should probably hop to it then. I'll come back online a.s.a.p.


P.S. I am currently rereading Karen Chance's Cassandra Palmer Series (as I surely mentioned a few posts ago) but have had to put it on hold thanks to orientation. I am having some serious reading withdrawls here. Luckily however I am being picked up by my uncle and sister tonight sand then we are making our way to San Diego (and I am NOT driving this time, which means, I will get some reading time *YAY*. I'll keep ya posted on my progress...ttfn =)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Blog Might Be Slim-Pickings For The Next Week Or So...

Alrighty-O, here's the dealio (lol can't remember where I heard that but like it all the same)...I am leaving town for a couple of days starting tommorow to attend a concert with some friends. I will be back the 19th but will then be gone again from the 20th through the 25th (I'm going for orientation for UCSB so I will be spending the first three days in lovely Santa Barbara and the remainder of the time in San Diego on a little mini-vaca). I will be taking my laptop with me on my week long trip but am not sure how often I will get the chance to come onto my blog but I promise to try my hardest to find the time.

I just finished reading To Catch A Highlander last night and wowsers!! I will try to post a review tonight because I doubt I'll find the time tommorow and this book sooo deserves a shout-out. =)

I am currently rereading Karen Chance's ABSLUTELY BRILLIANT AND BREATHTAKING Cassandra Palmer Series because I feel I need a brush up before (finally) reading the third novel!! And since I read those novels before I started this blog, I have yet to post any reviews on them so be prepared for a full out review bonanza on Karen Chance here in the near future ;)

Ok well I suppose that's all for now...TTFN :)

*Kerrelyn Sparks ~ The Love At Stake Series*

(Ok I was bad and didn't read this series in order...although I am so not at fault! It's not my fault Sparks made Jean-Luc's story too irresistable to wait for. Anyways, I have only read three of the books from the series. I have yet to read the second book in the series however I really enojoyed the ones I have read and knowing me I will likely forget to read the second book for months and in doing so would likely deprive you of a review and that won't do. WARNING: There may be some spoilers in my review so you may not want to read more than the first book's review...)

How To Marry A Millionaire Vampire: Nobody said love was perfect...Roman Draganesti is charming, handsome, rich...he's also a vampire. But this vampire just lost one of his fangs sinking his teeth into something he shouldn't have. Now he has one night to find a dentist before his natural healing abilities close the wound, leaving him a lop-sided eater for all eternity.

Things aren't going well for Shanna Whelan, either. After witnesing a gruesome murder, she's next on the mob's hit list. And her career as a dentist appears to be on a downward spiral because she's afraid of blood. When Roman rescues her from an assassination attempt, she wonders if she's found the one man who can keep her alive. Though the attraction between them is immediate and hot, can Shanna conquer her fear of blood to fix Roman's fang? And if she does, what will prevent Roman from using his fangs on her...?

Be Still My Vampire Heart: One look at her was enough to stop his heart...if it was still beating. Angus MacKay has been undead for almost five hundred years and it's not often something, or someone, surprises him. Until Emma Wallace. The sight of this luscious agent from the CIA's elite Stake-Out team was enough to stop Angus in his tracks. But then he discovers that she's a vampire slayer, intent on killing the "monsters" who killed her parents. And it's Angus's job to stop her.

The only good vampire is a dead vampire. It's been Emma's motto since she committed her life to the destruction of these things. Now Angus MacKay wants to convince her differently. Sure, he's a sexy Highland warrior who seems to have stepped off the cover of a romance novel, complete with brogue, kilt, and sword, but he's also one of them. And it's her job to kill them.

The war is on, but will it end in the destruction of one or both of them...or in total surrender to a passion for the ages?

The Undead Next Door: Three signs that something is very DIFFERENT with your new man:

1. He sleeps all day...which would be annoying except he's so attentive at night.

2. He's attacked by sword-wielding assailants, yet insists he can handle it on his own.

3. He never seems to age.

Heather Westfield has always lived a quiet life, but that all changes when she helps a very handsome, very mysterious stranger. There's something not quite right about Jean-Luc, but still, she's never been with a man so charming, so wonderful. Now if only a murderous villian wasn't after them, they might get their happily-ever-after.
~Taken from the backs of the books themselves...for more information see Spark's site:
~*~My Review~*~
This was my first encounter with Kerrelyn Sparks's work and I must say I was very impressed. I really liked her Love At The Stake Series (a very good name for a vampire series in my opinion) and I hope she continues writing novels within the series. I do feel a bit ashamed at the fact that not only did I skip one of the books but I also failed to read them in the correct order. I started off with How To Marry A Millionaire and was immediately craving more, however I made the mistake of reading the reviews for The Undead Next Door and simply couldn't resist giving in and reading it before the others. Then once I had finished Jean-Luc and Heather's story, I went on to Be Still My Vampire Heart (another amazing title!) and enjoyed reading about Angus and Emma. I absolutely enjoyed all three books, however if I had to choose a favorite I would likely have to say the first book in the series (Roman and Shanna's story) was my fave - although it is a tough call.
There were many wonderful aspects to this series. Sparks's writing is very witty and entertaining, captivating her audience throughout each story and leaving them longing for more. I also really liked that her books are a nice blend between Lynsay Sands' Argeneau series (with its wit and light-hearted feel) and Christine Feehan's Dark series (with its highly-developed characters and sense of passion/love) - although I'd say it resembles Sands' series more so. And amazingly enough each story is very unique - a huge feat in a romance series. And finally, what I loved most about Kerrelyn Sparks's series was how normal and natural she made it all seem. She introduces you to a wide variety of characters who repeatedly participate in each storyline, giving you the sense that you are progressing with them. By the time you have reached The Undead Next Door each character holds a certain familiarity for the reader - almost as if you and the characters are one big family. I know I certainly had favorites by the time I finished reading the three I read (such as Ian, phil, gregori, and oh...I could go on forever *hee hee*).
Long-story-short, I really enjoyed these books with their lively wit, detailed (loveable) characters, unique situations, and romanctic meanings and am looking forward to being immersed into the fanged world once again.
(How To Marry A Millionaire Vampire)
"He grabbed her by the wrists and pinned her against the door. 'By God, woman, you are hard to control.'
'You better believe it.' She pulled against his grip, but couldn't free her wrists.
He leaned closer. His breath stirred her hair and feathered her brow. 'Shanna,' he whispered her name like a cool breeze.
She shivered. His hypnotic voice tugged at her, lulled her into a sensation of comfort and security. False security. 'I won't let you kill me.'
'I don't want to kill you.'
'Good. Then let me go.'
He lowered his head, his breath tickling her body. Oh God, he was going to touch her. Maybe even kiss her. She waited, her heart hammering in her chest.
His voice whispered in her ear, 'I need you.'..."
(Be Still My Vampire Heart)
"In a mere second, he'd reached behind his head, pulled out a sword, and pointed it at the flasher's neck. With a gasp, Emma froze. He had a sword? And not just any sword. This sword was huge.
The flasher halted, his eyes wide with fear. He gulped and promptly wilted down south.
'I told ye mine was bigger,' the Scotsman growled. 'Make a move for the lass again, and I'll be shortening yers by a few inches.'
'Don't hurt me.' The flasher backed away, closing his coat.
The Scotsman advanced, his sword only inches from the flasher's fluctuating Adam's apple. 'I suggest from now on, ye remember to wear yer knickers.'
'Sure. Whatever you say, man.'
'Leave us.'
The flasher scurried away, disappearing around the bend. The Scotsman lifted the sword over his head so he could slide it back into its sheath. The long blade made a soft scraping noise as it slid home. ...
'Doona worry. Ye're safe now.'
'I'm supposed to feel safe with a stranger who's packing a humongous weapon?'
He smiled slowly. 'I told ye mine was bigger.'
What typical male arrogance. 'I was referring to your sword. Not your wee willie.'
He gave her an injured look. 'If ye're going to insult my size, I'll have to defend myself by offering ye proof.'
'Don't even think about-'
' 'Tis a matter of honor.' His mouth twitched. 'And I'm a verra honorable man.' ... He stepped closer, lowering his voice. 'Admit it lass. Ye were wanting a private showing.'
'Ha! Of all the...I'm going now. Goodnight.' ..."
(The Undead Next Door)
"Show was moving into view. And what a view.
She had curves. And breasts. A derriere a man could grab onto. And mounds of auburn hair that fluffed around her shoulders. She was like the old movie stars he had loved to design clothes for. Marilyn Monroe. Ava Gardner. Lusty, full-figured women. And her was a beautiful one, right in front of him. Her black dress clung to a luscious hourglass figure.
He caught a glimpse of a pert nose, slightly titled up at the tip. The woman in question pushed her hair behind her ear. She had high, wide cheekbones and a sweet curve to her jaw. What color were her eyes? he wondered.
She was a natural beauty. An angel.
She retrieved some items from her purse - a small writing pad and a pen. No, a pencil. She was writing something. No, sketching. His mouth dropped open. She was drawing his new gown. Stealing his design.