Thursday, July 24, 2008

Found Some Time :)

Hey there.

I found some more time to come online so thought I'd post an update. Since you last heard from me I completed orientation, scheduled my Fall classes *getting none of the ones I wanted, so my first quarter of college is already starting out great huh?*, went to the San Diego Zoo (for the very first time) with my sister and uncle-for anyone who has yet to go it is really great. They have an amazing variety of animals including a panda and her adorable pup, elephants, polar bears, wild cats, giraffes, bears, birds, pigs, and some fiesty apes. We had a blast and got some amazing photos...I'll post up some of the best ones on here soon. And today the three of us went to Sea World (again for the first time) and had a great time. We went mainly for the shows and boy were they wonderful!! We got wet at the Shamu show, yet surprisingly it was the Dolphin show that completely drenched us *go figure* haha, and the Clyde and Seamore (Sealion) show is absolutely one of the cutest shows you are ever likely to see. Again, I will post photos (or possibly even video if I can figure out how to swing it) of our day soon.

Basically I've had four days of all-day long walking about *which has greatly diminished my guilt over any and all fatty foods I've eaten during this vaca*. I will *thankfully* be returning home tommorow, where I will likely shower and then dive beneath my comforter and escape into my loving world of literature. I've enjoyed the trip but I can not wait to be home again lol.

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