Friday, July 4, 2008

Read Some Books, Broke The Law & Found A New Place To Haunt ;) the last week I have read a bunch of books (needless to say I will talk about this in depth before the end of this post), found a charming used bookstore with amazing prices, good selection and a calming, quaint atmosphere complete with interesting shop keepers and two chubby store cats, and broke the law. I know what you're broke the law??? Well yes I did. I was caught going 85 on a freeway with a speedlimit of 70 (thus speeding ticket, hence the breaking the law portion of my week). This was actually my very first speeding ticket! I am dreading how much this mistake is going to cost me, although there is a silver lining: the ticket scared me into stubbornly following the speed limit since then, so I am not longer a law-breaker. ;)

Anyways, back to this store: it's called Tom's Used & Rare Books in Lodi, California on School Street. It has honestly become one of my favorite bookstores (a high compliment indeed) and I am so thrilled I found it! I'm not sure if you are aware of this but I have been searching for Gena Showalter's "The Pleasure Slave" for months-upon-months but everywhere I turned it was either out of stock or would cost a fortune to order! I was honestly considering ordering it from Borders even though it would cost me about $14 when all of a sudden where should I find it? That's right...I found it at Tom's much? .... $2!!!! I know...I was thrilled as well. =)
I actually just read Showalter's novel today and loved it as I knew I would! Anyone who enjoyed her story "The Stone Prince" will adore this second novel in the Imperia series as well. I'll post on the book later on ;).

Alrighty...on to the books! I have FINALLY acquired Michelle M. Pillow's "King of the Unblessed" and truly loved it! I'm practically salivating at the mouth to read Hugh and the Fairy Queen's story next!!! I also finished Lynsay Sand's "A Reluctant Reformer", and Lora Leigh's "The Man Within", and I at last got my hands on Kresley Cole's "Darks Needs At Night's Edge" (the 4th installment in the immortals after dark series) and can once again reaffirm my absolute ADORATION for the Immortal After Dark Series!! I also completed reading the Aisling Grey, Guardian Series and am about to begin reading Kerrilyn Spark's "How To Marry A Millionaire"...I'll let ya know how this one turns out (although I have a feeling it will be similar to Lynsay Sands' Argeneau Vamp Series - which won't be a bad thing, because the books I have read from that series have all been enjoyable thus far) :)

I am currently keeping busy trying to constructively manage my remaining days before leaving for UCSB in much to do, so much to buy, so much to little time. Well here's hoping I can keep the speedomotor below 100 ;)

Farewell for now,


Leigh Ann Baird said...

Don't you just love used book stores? I scored this past week at a used bookstore. I left with a stack of Lisa Kleypas historicals for...$1.50 each! I just finished It Happened One Autumn and it was great.

I also got Who Will Take This Man? for $1.25 and I am reading it now.

Enjoy your time before September--Do you live in SC? I went to Columbia a few years ago in the summer and thought I would die from the heat! It can get hot in TN-we don't get much snow or really cold weather-but it was worse in SC.

Cherie said...

Yes I absolutely adore used bookstores! I've been meaning to read some more of Lisa Kleypas' stuff but keep getting sidetracked lol.

I definitely recommend Who Will Take This Man - it was a refreshing storyline and enjoyable from beginning to end (even though it was somewhat obvious how it would turn out...but even with all of the foreshadowing, it was a very good read!) I hope you enjoy it as much as I did =)

I currently live in Stockton, so moving to Santa Barbara is going to be quite a change. I've never lived by the ocean before and have never been so far from my family and friends. It's about a 7 hour drive, so life will definitely be different come september - but hopefully it will be a good change :) So you live in TN? What's it like there?

Leigh Ann Baird said...

I'm confused. I thought USCB was in South Carolina? So you are in California? I've never been to CA but my husband goes to Orange County every January for the NAMM (North American Music Merchants) show. The summer NAMM show was in Nashville this year and that is only about 3 hours away from us--yeah! no expensive plane ticket. He was also in the Morro Bay area 3years ago and I can't remember what he went there for...

TN is humid and green with lots of trees. I'm in East TN near Knoxville and about an hour away from the Smoky Mountains. My husband and I got married there (Gatlinburg, TN) in what I call the Las Vegas of the south--the place is full of wedding chapels and is second only to Vegas unless that has changed.
I've never lived anywhere else and with the exception of Mexico and The Bahamas I've only been to southern states. That's ok though, I've got the accent for it. Well, except for South Carolina, they tend to drawl a bit more.

Keep those book reviews coming! I just had to get to the bookstore today and get Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas and so far it's awesome. This story introduces Cam Rohan, whom we get to know intimately in the future. I've put Who will take this Man? to the side for the moment because I am so caught up in the Wallflowers world.

Sorry for the long post!

Cherie said...

Yes I live in's hot here right now and I can't wait till it's Fall (my favorite season) once more. I will be posting some reviews for the books I've read lately because I've sadly fallen quite behind lol. I didn't realize Cam Rohan was introduced before Mine Till Midnight! Wow now I'm even more excited to read the series haha. I'm currently working on a few books but my main focus is Kerrelyn Sparks' Undead series...very good (it reminds me somewhat of Lynsay Sands' work but not quite as lighthearted; there's a bit more action which is always a good thing) =)
Let me know how you like Kleypas' series once you finish it :)
ta ta for now