Friday, October 3, 2008

Tag Time!!! *haha*

I've been tagged worries though, I don't feel bad for it's you poor folk who have to read 7 crazy things about me that I feel sorry you may want to run for cover now ;). Leigh Ann B. got me with her site Stamping with Annie B (which you should definitely check out...she has some great things for her list of 7)

Here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Okay, about me *Evil Smile...heehee*

1) First and foremost I should warn you I am a book-addict...there I admitted it. I love the written's my greatest escape from reality and I honestly cannot remember the last time I went even a day without reading for pleasure (even if I have to miss sleep to get in an hour or two). I am always reading something (90% of the time romance...more specifically historical and/or paranormal romances) and have the very bad habit of reading many books at one time. I'm likely to start reading a new book while reading three of my faves on the side haha. I also tend to reread my favorites *VERY OFTEN*...what can I say? I'm in love. ;)

2) I sleep with a tiny beanie-baby stuffed animal named Lucky (from 101 dalmations) that I got when I was 6 years old for Christmas...I don't NEED him to sleep but sleep more comfortably when I have him by my side.

3) I adore's just so remarkable to be able to capture a moment in time and treasure it always.

4) Whenever I am in stores and walk by the baby section I become transfixed and start picking out things in my mind that I want for my future children. Lol my younger sister has learned to try to steer me away from these parts of the stores, although she rarely succeeds. (I find I have a particular weakness for anything with the old fashioned Whinnie the Pooh characters on it)

5) My favorite candy is Rolo's (technically there's no "s" on the end but I always pronounce it this way lol) and I hate that most stores don't sale them!! What's a choco-holic to do?

6) I am a hopeless romantic...I fear I may have ruined my chances with men because my expectations are so incredibly high...I want true love and will settle for nothing less (in my opinion, if I'm going to reach for a star I might as well reach for the one who shines the brightest in my eyes)

7) My favorite part of sleeping is the time before I drift off when my dreams can come to life.

Alright now...who shall be the next victims?? Hmmm? =)

1) *Tiffi's Blog* - My little sister, because I share everything with her ;)

2) Book Minx - Because I love her reviews and her site is so *wish mine looked that nice*

3) Jess's Ramblings - Jess because her book blog is awesome and I know she'll have some great things to list about herself :)

4) Gena Showalter - One of my all-time favorite authors...not sure if she's been tagged yet but she should be =)

5) Pearl - Pearl gives some of the best book reviews I've ever read! She's given me some amazing books! *Thanks Pearl!!*

6) Wit And Sin - Because this site is excellent for finding the order of books and finding some new series to look into (which is a hard thing to do at times) :)

7) Hmmm...well Leigh A. B. would be here but she was the one who tagged me so I suppose I can't tag her back haha...Thanks for that! ;)

~Tag You're It Everyone!!!~


Leigh Ann Baird said...

Cherie, we have even more in common. I love Rolo's and had some yesterday--they are one of my favorites. I decorated my first daughter's nursery in Pooh and I liked it so much that I used it in my 2nd daughter's nursery too.

Cherie said...

Lol I'm so glad to find another Rolo's lover!! haha I was so worried they would discontinue it for awhile there because I could almost never find it in stores. Although I am pleased to say that the "corner store" on my cmapus carries them!!! Lol you can imagine how giddy I was!!