Friday, May 16, 2008

Man I'm Pooped!!

At this moment I am contemplating whether to quickly finish this post, shut down my laptop, and fall into the warm comfort of my blankets and cool softness of my pillows, OR quickly post this message, shut down my computer, and do you think I'll choose?

LOL...truth be told I've already set the book beside my bed knowing I'll more than likely read for hours and hours still, thus sacrificing precious sleep for precious stories (sounds like a good deal to me haha).

I'm thoroughly exhausted at the moment; this week I have been running around studying for finals for my college courses, and organizing/de-cluttering...I spent the first half of today in classrooms, and the second half in my bedroom dusting and reorganzing every ity bity inch of it because I am redecorating tommorow...*oh yes, the fun continues on through the weekend*. And to top off my week, I am just beginning to really get over that "sickness" (*cough, near-death-experience, cough*) that I was suffering from last week. Thankfully though, I am feeling much better aside from the exhaustion and a left-over headache that seems to be having separation anxieties - it's refusing to leave me, whereas I've packed it's bags and am doing my best to push it out the door.

Okay well I don't really have much else to write, but if I find a spare moment this weekend *LOL...yeah...right...that'll happen* I'll come on to post an update on the books in my life ;)

Later Gator...

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