Monday, June 2, 2008

Who Will Take This Man? ~ Jacquie D'Alessandro


Philip Whitmore, Viscount Greybourne, has survived desert sandstorms, unearthed treasures of ancient cities, and defeated knife-wielding grave robbers. But when it comes to something as ordinary as getting married, Philip discovers that it's not so easy. He's been cursed after discovering an ancient stone tablet that dooms any woman foolish enough to marry him. Somehow, his fortune, title and dashing good looks no longer seem appealing -- and his carefully selected society bride has left him at the alter.

Beautiful Meredith Chilton-Grizedale is determined to find Philip his perfect wife. The abruptly terminated "Marriage of the Season" was going to make her reputation as the Matchmaker of Mayfair, so now it's up to her to find someone to marry the most unmarriageable man in England. Yet from the moment she meets the mysterious viscount, Meredith finds herself falling for a man she should not love. With an ominous curse over their heads, risking her life for passion would be madness indeed...
- Taken from Jacquie D'Alessandro's website -
~*~ My Review ~*~
As I mentioned in a previous post, I stumbled upon Jacquie D'Alessandro thanks to some very intriguing reviews and am now desperate to read her novels! I was hoping to make "Whirlwind Wedding" my first D'Alessandro novel, however I have thus far been unable to get my hands on a copy, thus it was "Who Will Take This Man?" (another of D'Alessandro's stories that caught my interest) that served as my first taste of this author's talents and let me tell did not disappoint! This novel was definitely worth the read three times over! It had a very unique storyline which is of course always a good thing, and it was a surprising mix of both historical and paranormal romance genres, however I would definitely say this book falls more so into the historical department than the paranormal.
Our hero and heroin were mouth-watering, remarkable, and a perfect fit for one another, and yet somehow D'Alessandro kept her two main characters from resembling the usual leads in romance novels. They were both flawed, having come from difficult - though very different - backgrounds, having both been outsiders, and both making mistakes along the way. The chemistry and utter understanding between Meredith and Philip was very evident and made their love seem somehow more real and true than many of the romances you read about in a good deal of today's books. The author also provided her readers with amazing supporting characters - granting us with a romance on the side, and even hints at a potential love story to come! I remember reading through the book and practically jumping up and down in my seat wanting to know if my assumptions about two of the characters were correct (something I daresay I will learn in the next book *wink wink*) lol.
I must also commend Jacquie on her plot; I was in suspense throughout the story and, although I was 85% sure who the villian was from the beginning, she made it seem so obvious that the reader can't help but feel as though it has to be wrong (I suspect that is part of the genius) and then out of no where makes you suspect another character - someone you soooo dont want to suspect. the end, even though I had predicted who the bad guy would be all along, I was still practically chomping down on my nails when the time came to see who the man behind the mask was!
As you can probably tell, I really liked reading this novel and am anxiously awaiting my next D'Alessandro experience...I really want to read the next book in the series (especially now that I am very familiar with the hero/heroin) however I am also still dying to read "whirlwind wedding" so who knows which I will read first...either way it's sure to be an utterly thrilling read and I can not wait!! ;)
~*~ Excerpt ~*~
Bloody hell. What was wrong with him? Phillip was normally not prone to lascivious thoughts, especially when he was working. Of course, he had never worked in such close proximity to a woman before. A woman whose skirts rustled with her every movement, inspiring thoughts of the curvaceous form beneath. A woman who smelled just like she'd stepped out of the confectioner's.
A woman who was not his fiancee.
Meredith frowned, and worried her lower lip beneath her teeth, drawing his attention to her mouth. And what a lovely mouth it was. He couldn't decide if it were more likely that those full, moist, delectable lips had been fashioned by an angel or by the devil himself. Miss Chilton-Grizedale portrayed the epitome of a proper lady, but there was nothing proper about that rosy, lush mouth or the heated thoughts it inspired.
He closed his eyes and was overtaken by a vivid image of himself pulling her into his arms. He could almost feel her curvees pressed against him. Lowering his head, he toughed his lips to hers. Warm. Soft. She tasted a rich, luscious dessert. He deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into the heat of her mouth and...
"Is something amiss, Lord Greybourne?"


Leigh Ann Baird said...

Ok, you've convinced me to read one of her books. Thanks!

Cherie said...

Thanks for the comments!! =)