Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm craving sweets sooooo badly right now!!

I just finished reading Hamilton's The Killing Dance about an hour ago (needless to say I loved it, although the way things turned out did surprise me a bit and I am truly curious about how the continuing books will play out). I haven't started Burnt Offerings yet but will probably start on it by night's end - or at the very least by tommorow evening. I am currently in the middle of many, many books. It used to be where I could not stand to read more than one novel at a time, however lately I have found myself reading anywhere from 2 to 10 novels at a go. There are just too many amazing stories out there right now for me to choose which should go first so rather than having to decided I go back and forth - occassionally I'll stumble across a certain book or series that grabs my full attention and I'll stick to it/them to the end uninterrupted, but for the most part I read whichever book I am in the mood for.

I also tend to go back and read & re-read my favorite books over and over and over and over and over again until I can quote good portions of the books from memory. I can not tell you how many times I've come back to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series, Gena Showalter's Playing With Fire, and C.L. Wilson's Tairen Soul Series (lets just say I actually have the majority of her made-up language down pat!...I especially love the phrase "Ver reisa ku'chae, Kem surah, Shei'tani" ~ "Your soul calls out. Mine answers, beloved. Pathetic I know that huh? Well oh well, it's just that damn good ;)...)

At the moment I've been keeping my focus mostly on the Anita Blake Series by Hamilton, however I have also been reading Christina Feehan's Dark Legend, J.R. Ward's Dark Lover, Sabrina Jeffries' Beware A Scots' Revenge, and Kresley Cole's A Hunger Like No Other. Oh! I've also been busy rereading Keri Arthur's Kissing Sin...the books in her series have been so damn good I actually started rereading the first books before finishing the rest of the series lol. I also just recently received Blood Red by Sharon Page thru the mail so I doubt I'll be able to resist the temptation of this particular novel for long. It's crazy how many amazing books there are out there at the moment - so many and yet somehow not enough haha. :)

okay well I'm hungry now so I'm off to raid my fridge *and with any luck will find something chocolate within it's depths!!)

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