Monday, April 28, 2008

Still helplessly entranced in Hamilton's series!

I just started on Hamilton's The Killing Dance this morning. I haven't had much time to read it but already it's had Anita with Jean-Claude, Edward and Richard so it's looking to be once again a fabulous read (not that there was ever any doubt of that lol).

I have to say, I am in LOVE with everything about this book from the storyline, to the dialogue, to the action and romance aspects of it, it's ALL amazing!! But most of all I LOVE THE CHARACTERS and their relationships! My favorites are the relationship between Anita & Jean-Claude (come on! Who wouldn't love these 2 when they're together?? They have this amazing connection that just makes them click on a deeper level than the other characters - even if one of them *coughs "Anita"* refuses to see it).

Also, I love the relationship between Edward & Anita. I love that they are so equally matched, and that although Anita often depicts him as a merciless killing machine who would kill her if it suited him (which he very possibly might), that they are friends who tend to trust one another and I believe the significance of that bond is stronger than either realize or are willing to acknowledge. This latest book looks like it will have a great deal of Edward so I'm dying to keep those pages turning lol! In fact, I think I'll ditch my fun blogging and delve into the book's wonderful words now... ;)

Later Gator...

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