Friday, March 21, 2008

First Ever Post!!! (hope you're ready for this... ;) ...)

Ok here we go...first ever if only to find something upon which to write lol. I suppose I'll simply begin my days as a blogger by writing about my day so far (exciting stuff I know!). Today on this wonderful Friday I woke up before 6 am (you don't know me but I am NOT a morning person! Give me my lovely darkness any day - or actually I suppose I should say "any night". It's strange but I could stay up past 5 in the morning and not be the least bit tired but ever try and wake me up at 5 am and you're bound to get slapped, kicked, bitten or worse (I'll let your imaginations work for themselves on just what could be worse than being bitten by a stranger - well, unless that stranger was a particularly cute looking vamp, but that's a discussion for another time). Today I took my car in for a checkup (I hate being without it even for a few hours...pathetic I know, but what can I say? I like the freedom it offers.) Anyways, after the whole losing my car (a.k.a losing my freedom for the day) thing, I went out to eat with my uncle (one of those nice days out where you talk and joke around and have fun...gotta love Fridays =).) And now I am currently with nothing better to do than attempt to share my life with complete stranger. I doubt anyone will actually wind up reading this but if someone ever does feel free to leave me comments. I always love talking to people. I suppose I should wrap this up now...

Until Next Time,
Cherie :)

(Hey look at that! My first post...finished. And I actually got through it without speeling anything wrong - oh wait!) ;)

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