One thing I suppose I should mention now, I can become a bit obsessive with my novels at times. If I could lock myself away for weeks on end with only my books I probably would (but then that would lead to cute little nicknames like "that-crazy-book-lady" and "the-recluse-with-access-to-barnes&"). I tend to divide my books into favorite circles and, needless to say, Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series holds a permanent spot in my very top circle. It is one of the absolute best stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading and I am counting down the days until I can read Breaking Dawn and Midnight Sun!!
Anyhoo, the reason I bring this up is because I found an adorable drawing online of Bella & Edward and just had to post it, so here it is...
LOVE TWLIGHT SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!Don't worry you're SOOOOOOOO NOT alone with the getting obbsrsive about novels part!! Mostly for me it's the"Did you see her? Yeah,she's the girl who reads ,like, 3 books a day." Gotta go...Good luck w/ the sheeple(themanites,lemmings which ever you prefer)
~Ella of Trussvell
no worries. i feel the same way. if you gave me all the twilight books and locked me in a room i would be in heaven! that picture is extremely cute! and i cant wait for the movie!!!!!
lol my friends have a hard time talking to me and getting my attention when i'm reading!!!(especially twilight) And I LOVE P&P !!!! Me and my mom have watched the movie a TON !!!!!
hey, im just a random - also obsessed with twilight. but if your looking for a good read, i suggest Diana Gabolden Cross is awesome and i think you'll like it cause we have the same taste in books.
take care
Hey, i am sooo happy i found you people. Can i talk to you people freely about twilight? I hope so, my friends are getting annoyed with me comparing everthing to twilight. craxzy and obessed but come on, who can blame someone for loving a story? And don't ever think that you guys are alone. there are millions of girls who love this book and it's beloved characters. Some girls were trampled just to get tickets, and they were hospitalized, so I don't think you're that bad. lol My name is Kwah btw, ( K + what? without the T) and i have twilight memorized, almost, I know the whole story. Also have you ever read The host? it's by Steph Meyer as well but toadally different to twilight and really good! Kwah.
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh!Why? I finnished breaking Dawn months ago and haven't gotten to rant.but really JACOB... people who have reead Breaking Dawn know what I'm talking about get reading.
haha i agree with you 100% for me its harry potter go dobby and luna!, twilight's a big one, pride and prejudice, and just simple stories like enthusiam and anything with romance and adventure!
omg i search for breaking dawn drawings and i click on your link. first thing i see is the pride and prejudice picture. i'm not the only twihard who's in love with pride and prejudice!! yay!! :D
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